Bluetooth Audio Delay: Why It Happens and How to Fix it
As more and more people are purchasing Bluetooth-enabled devices, Bluetooth audio delay has become a common concern. The good news is that this problem can be solved easy. First, we’ll go over what causes it, how to detect it and fix it for an optimal listening experience.

Blu Ray Technology: Everything you Need to Know
You’re reading this article because you want to know more about blu ray sound systems. You’ve come to the right place! Blu-ray home theater is all about providing top-quality audio and video, with a focus on high definition.

Is it possible to damage speakers using a wrong AMP
While shopping for a proper amplifier to boost the performance of your speakers, you need to consider impedance in the first place.

Can I use a 7.2 receiver with 5.1 speakers
Manufacturers of home theaters have devoted much time and effort to upgrading audio components, and such tendency has resulted in the growing number of 7.2 receivers.

Coaxial vs optical vs HDMI — which is the best audio connection to use?
Digital revolutions have brought us a huge list of devices and connection options. Here we will take a look at some of the most popular ones.

Dolby Atmos: what is it
Dolby Atmos is a new generation of technology developed by Dolby Laboratories, designed to produce surround sound.

How to set up a stereo amplifier
A home stereo system usually comes with a built-in amplifier to power the system and control the speakers. You must connect an amplifier if you want to get more power, which allows you to use additional speakers.

How to combine stereo and surround sound in one AV system
Even when you use perfect AV amplifiers you have to decide whether stereo or surround sound is more important. However, now you’ve got an opportunity to have everything together.

aptX HD Bluetooth: What is it?
aptX is a digital technology that allows you to transmit audio as 16 bit/44.1 kHz at a compression level of 4:1 and a data transfer rate of 352 kbit/s.